
聯合報 編譯陳曉慈/即時報導

世界七大工業國集團(G7)廣島峰會21日落幕,烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基於前一天抵達廣島,應邀出席最後一天議程。俄羅斯外交部21日譴責廣島峰會淪為西方國家的「大外宣」(propaganda show),並稱峰會意圖鼓吹「反俄與反中的歇斯底里」。




MOSCOW, May 21, 2023 (AFP) - Russia on Sunday accused G7 leaders of turning their summit in Japan into a "propaganda show" by inviting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and whipping up "anti-Russian and anti-Chinese hysteria".

"The leaders of the G7 brought to their meeting the ringleader of the Kyiv regime they control and turned the Hiroshima event into a propaganda show," the Russian foreign ministry said.

The summit's "main conclusion was a bunch of announcements filled with hateful anti-Russian and also anti-Chinese messages," a statement said.

The ministry said the G7 has become "an incubator in which, under the leadership of the Anglo-Saxons, destructive initiatives that undermine global stability are worked out".

The West's decline in global influence "is forcing the members of this body to put all their efforts into whipping up anti-Russian and anti-Chinese hysteria," the statement said.


"We are certain that our evaluation of the G7 and its destructive actions is shared by the majority of the international community," it added.

G7 廣島 外交部


