“You’ve never got the short end of a deal.”
Short end可不是指什麼太短,客戶是說Benson做交易從不吃虧。正逢年終歲末,今天來看看end這個字的妙用。
1.You’ve never got the short end of a deal.
拔河比賽時,贏的那一隊手上會握較長的一頭,叫「the long end」;而輸的握「the short end」。The short end可引申為「處於劣勢、吃虧、得到不公平待遇」。更常見的說法是get the short end of the stick。
●She got the short end of the stick in the deal. 她在這買賣中吃虧了。
●You have to stay vigilant during business negotiations or else you may end up getting the short end of the stick. 你必須在商業談判中保持警惕,否則你可能會吃虧。
2.I know which end is up.
know which end is up是一個慣用語,指「擁有判斷某一件事的能力、十分在行」。也很常用於否定,not know which end is up,搞不清楚狀況、糊里糊塗、連基本知識也不懂,無所適從。例如:
Don’t try to hustle me. I know which end is up. 你用不著來催我。我心中有數。
He was too drunk to know which end was up. 他醉到搞不清楚到底發生了十麼事。
3.End of story.
End of story是一個非常口語的表達,意思是「結束、就這樣、不用再說」。談話中,如果你不想繼續往下講,沒得商量,可以用這句:
I'm in charge here. End of story. 這裡我說的算!就是這樣。
也可以去掉story,直接用end of。
It’s your turn to do the dishes, end of. 該你洗碗了,就這樣。
4.Go off the deep end
Go off the deep end字面的意思是,跳進深水區,涉入太深,引申為「反應過度,情緒失控,非常生氣」。
He went off the deep end when I refused to answer. 當我拒絕回答時,他發火了。
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